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Filipe Névola

Voltar24/12/2024, 14:38

There's no such thing as Re-framing

tl;dr: only different perspectives we can choose to adopt. pick the ones that serve you best

I've been following different content creators lately. Two standouts are Derek Sivers and Tim Ferriss. What caught my attention was how differently they think. Derek Sivers, in particular, is a radical, out-of-the-box thinker who's taken bold actions like giving up his US citizenship.

I recently rewatched a video with my mom where Derek Sivers discussed his new book "Useful Not True".

This got me thinking about reframing. I believe there's no such thing as reframing because every perspective is a new frame.

Consider a pivotal moment in your life and try to see it differently. Take my cancer diagnosis from two years ago - I can see it as a wake-up call about life's fragility, or I can view it as a scary battle with risks like losing my voice or facial function.

Which is the original frame, and which is the reframe? Neither - they're just different perspectives we can create.

We can choose how we view things. While this doesn't change the facts, our perspective shapes our experience.

Humans can control how we frame our life events, even past ones.

As Derek Sivers suggests in his book, we should believe what's useful to us, even if it's not entirely true.

Here's my challenge: use this year-end to look at past events that might be true but unhelpful.

How can you frame them in a way that serves you better?

I hope my thoughts make sense!

Wishing you a fantastic year-end with your loved ones, full of hope and dreams for the coming year.

Thanks for reading!