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Why JavaScript Beats TypeScript for Most Projects

Let's cut to the chase: JavaScript is better than TypeScript for most projects. Here's why you should stick with JavaScript and how to handle type-related needs when they come up.

The TypeScript Hype

TypeScript adds "types" to JavaScript - labels that specify what kind of data something is. But here's the truth: it's often unnecessary complication.

Why JavaScript Wins

  1. Simplicity is key: JavaScript is straightforward. You can start coding immediately without extra setup.

  2. Speed of development: With JavaScript, you're not wasting time writing out types. You're building actual, working software.

  3. JavaScript isn't typeless: It checks types at runtime. This is almost always sufficient.

  4. Type-related bugs are overblown: In real-world development, you rarely encounter bugs due to missing static types.

  5. You know your code: When you're building something, you understand it. You don't need extra labels everywhere.

Handling Type Needs Without TypeScript

Sometimes, you need to show types, especially for third-party understanding. Here's how to do it without TypeScript:

  1. JSDoc comments: Use these for type hints. Most editors can read them.
    * @param {string} name
    * @param {number} age
    * @returns {string}
   function greet(name, age) {
     return `Hello, ${name}! You are ${age} years old.`;
  1. Descriptive naming: Use names that clearly indicate data types.
   function addTwoNumbers(firstNumber, secondNumber) {
     return firstNumber + secondNumber;
  1. Typedefs for key structures: For main parts of your code, define types separately.
    * @typedef {Object} Person
    * @property {string} name
    * @property {number} age

   /** @type {Person} */
   const myFriend = { name: "Alex", age: 25 };
  1. Solid documentation: Clear explanations beat type annotations any day.

The Bottom Line

JavaScript provides everything you need for efficient, effective coding. It's fast, flexible, and lets you focus on what matters: building functional software. When type information is necessary, lightweight tools get the job done without the TypeScript overhead.

TypeScript often leads to over-engineering and time wasted on complex type structures. If you find yourself loving TypeScript, ask yourself: are you coding to create working software, or just to craft elaborate type systems?

If you truly need static typing, use a language designed for it from the ground up, like Java or Go. Don't try to force it onto JavaScript.

JavaScript's dynamic nature is a powerful feature, not a limitation. After working extensively with statically-typed languages like Java or C++, you come to appreciate the flexibility and expressiveness that JavaScript offers. For most projects, this dynamism allows for faster development and more adaptable code, which often outweighs the perceived benefits of static typing.

Stick with JavaScript. Your projects will thank you for it.