Filipe Névola Developer & Instructor trying to be better every day
- 04/03/2025, 12:35The AI is the best medicine for laziness
tl;dr: AI turns "too lazy to do it" into "just tell AI to do it"
- 11/02/2025, 11:25The day that I decided that I had to be the CTO of my own company
tl;dr: own what matters most
- 24/12/2024, 14:38There's no such thing as Re-framing
tl;dr: only different perspectives we can choose to adopt. pick the ones that serve you best
- 05/05/2024, 15:44Have you ever danced in the street?
tl;dr: be happy, dance above your circumstances, have fun
- 15/04/2024, 20:38Cancer, Metastasis and Other Things We Don't Talk About
tl;dl: live each day like it's your last, tomorrow may be your last day indeed
- 14/03/2024, 00:09Stop following the herd
tl;dr: forget VCs, work backward from (personal) goals, be profitable, infinite game, keep playing, enjoy it
- 02/11/2023, 11:46Set the feeling before you go
tl;dr: mindset is a buzzword, set the feeling, choose your perspective, have fun